Thursday, July 22, 2010

This summer, like so many before, have included the basic elements as many in education would recognize: cleaning out and reorganizing the life that had gradually become disheveled over the last 9 months, feeling the joy of sleeping in (at least until 8:00), reading some great books (novels and professional), taking a class or 2 to keep your knowledge as well as your certification current, and maybe even a little travel. For me, there was one more gem, waiting to be uncovered...again.

The summer started out with a trip to Florida, in hopes of evaluating whether we might relocate in the future. We always said that we would not move the boys again after the big trip to Ohio 12 years ago. Now they are soon to be 27 and 23, it is time Ed and I consider how we will sculpt the next phase of our lives together. The decision has been made to move, without a doubt. I believe after our explorations over the last few summers, that Florida will be the this time we are honing in on the St. Augustine/Jacksonville area. We are trying to find that place that speaks to who we are and the lifestyle we have chosen.

Reading has been a joyful friend to renew my friendship with this summer. As a reading teacher, this seems like a funny concept. While I read all of the time, I find that I am mainly reading bits and bobs through my professional books looking for answers or trying to gaining a quick new skill or strategy. This summer has been a really fun blend of wonderful novels (children and adult) and some really exciting professional books that are rich, relevant, accessible, practical! So far (and it is only mid July):
Everyday Editing: Jeff Anderson. Great book to help teachers use authentic texts and experiences to learn editing skills. You will never use a DOL worksheet again!
Mechanically Inclined: For someone who is relatively new to the 5th grade writing scene, this book is a godsend. Same author as Everyday Editing, Jeff Anderson makes mechanics and grammar useful, pertinent, and a valuable tool for teachers and students to embrace. Both books grounded solidly in theory, while being INCREDIBLY practical!
Writing Toward Home: Georgia Heard...I think is enough said! But I will say this...this book has been sitting unattended to for probably 10 years on my bookshelf...I took it out this summer for a class I took at MU, I found myself inside those simple yet sincere pages. I will write more about this one later.
Mentor Texts: Dorfman and Cappelli. What an amazing little book on the teaching of writing spring-boarding of wonderful children's literature! I love this book! Just chock full of ideas to help children see themselves as writers, in align with the professionals! I can't wait to start using it.
Day-to-Day Assessment in the Reading Workshop: Sibberson and Szymusiak. In the process of reading this one still. Another excellent road map using schedule and timelines to lay over your current program to see where you could tweak your already great practice.
All of these books have a very practical, theme based in sound theory...which is very timely for me in my life right now. After my first year in a 5th grade LA classroom, I am taking a hard look at how I can practically implement what I believe into my daily practice. Really nice stuff!
The Right to Write (in process)
The Art of Possibility (in process)

The Hunger Games
Belle Praters Boy
The Higher Power of Lucky
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Sarah Plain and Tall
Imperfect Birds
The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
Farewell My Subaru (in process)
Night (in process)
Nineteen Minutes (in process)

Whew! And I can't wait to carry on...

So then my summer class, which also was my little treasure for the summer. I took a writing class at Miami University this summer. I begrudgingly reported to those who asked, and even those who did not: M-F, 8 - 3:30 for 4 weeks! I would not feel like I had a day off until July 12th!!! However, on the upside I would have the 6 hours I needed for recertification, I would get an idea or 2 about holistic writing in the classroom, and it was all FREE! But still...M-F, 8 - 3:30 for 4 weeks!

The first week was brutal. We walked in the door and they called us all WRITERS! I felt this overwhelming dread that they were going to expect me be be a writer, which I was convinced I was not! However, I persisted and did what I was asked...which was to write every day, read carefully chosen selections, write some more, but most importantly...reserve all judgement of what I am writing.

Well, I promise to spare all of the boring detail, but to say it was a smooth and easy road for me would just be a lie. It was painful, frightening, and overwhelming. I believe they are magicians! Mary and Charley, our facilitators for the 4 weeks, strategically unpeeled that proverbial onion that I held so tightly to, with skill, persistence, and most of all kindness.

What came of those 4 weeks was the following:

Belief in myself, as a writer. I may never publish a polished piece, and that is completely okay with me. But I learned that being a writer does not mean you have to have a reader...except yourself. That was a huge awakening for me.

Many heartfelt pieces about my thinking and my feelings. And also, many small memoirs, poems, and general joyful pieces. Some of which I will post on this blog.

And finally this blog...which really represents the confidence I have gained in myself. Originally I wanted a blog that no one could read...ha! It wasn't that I was afraid to write, but rather afraid to be read.

During those 4 weeks I turned 49. On my many long drives up to Oxford, I decided that my gift to myself was to give up all of the worry and self-doubt...for 1 year...and then see how it goes. So far-so good. I plan to like this gift so much that I will re-gift it to myself each year, without judgement. I know some days it will not be easy, but my plan is to take it one bite at a time.

So there it summer, so far, as of July 22, 2010.

In 2 days we are off for 3 weeks in the UK with Ed. I am excited about the experience and opportunity, while nervous about leaving my home and family for 3 weeks. I know there are some amazing adventures that await me out there, and yet I know the amazing adventures I have taken so far, the ones on the inside, will continue to guide and sustain me throughout my external travels.

What a summer in a life full of grace and gratitude.
